Elevate your Patient Engagement with SMART SMS

Powered by Iris AI


Are you still relying on traditional one-way SMS notifications for your patient communications?

It's time to upgrade to SMART SMS Powered by Iris AI and experience healthcare communication like never before! Our conversational SMART SMS surpasses Transactional SMS with its advanced automated capabilities powered by AI.


TeleVox SMART SMS vs. Simple Transactional SMS


TeleVox's SMART SMS offers inbound and outbound versatile patient communication with AI conversational responses, seamless escalation to live chat, answering inquiries with the health system's knowledge base, self-managing appointments, and the convenience of continuing conversations within the same channel, all supported by AI.

Actionable: Patients can self-serve common actions via SMS.

Conversational: Engage in real conversations with patients.

Persistent:  Open line of communication for the patient at all times. 

Simple Transactional SMS

Simple transactional SMS is a one-time, non-interactive SMS message designed solely for notifications. It does not support inbound patient requests, leaving patients with questions or appointment changes with no choice but to contact the contact center via phone.

Standard messages with limited functionality.

Fixed Responses: Patients can only reply with predefined responses.

Rules-based: Limited flexibility and customization.

Why choose SMART SMS powered by Iris AI?

Your patients deserve immediate, convenient, and conversational responses to their questions and requests. As patients become increasingly impatient, they require the ability to self-serve for their scheduling, prescription refills, and questions. 

See the many benefits SMART SMS offers to both patients and healthcare providers in the area below! 


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Improve Patient Experience & Outcomes: Communicate with conversational 2-way messaging that enhances patient engagement and satisfaction.

Lower Total Operational Cost: Reduce the cost of supporting patients by enabling AI to execute routine tasks and streamline communication, reducing inbound calls to staff.

Increase Visit Volume Revenue: Attract more patients and fill appointment slots with proactive communication.

Reduce Friction: Make it easy for patients to complete activities, such as scheduling appointments, refilling prescriptions, or getting quick answers to their questions, including finding providers, prep instructions, directions, and more. 

Lower Manual Activity & Staff Burden: Reduce the workload of hospital staff by letting SMART SMS handle routine interactions.

Reduce No-Show Rates: Patients can schedule and reschedule at their convenience reducing patient no-shows and missed appointments.


Ready to upgrade your patient communication? Fill out the form below and we will be in touch!